Mission Trinity
Food and drinks
Donations of food and drinks are always welcome. Please have a look at our shopping list at the bottom of this page for ideas, if you can buy something on 2 for 1 how about donating the extra to us. Donations can be dropped off every Friday evening between 15:00 and 19:00 or on Wednesdays 10 am to 12 noon.
You can also leave a donation in the trolley at Morrisons, Goole (it’s near the key cutting machine) or Tesco, Goole has a Community Food Trolley.
If you have any questions, you can contact us at 07543290407 or email contact@missiontrinity.org.

Shopping list
- Baked Beans/Spaghetti (tinned preferably ring pull)
- Biscuits or snack bar
- Cereals (the standard size or the small boxes/packets)
- Fruit juice (carton)
- Instant mash Jams
- Milk (UHT or powdered)
- Pasta Pasta sauces
- Rice pudding (tinned preferably ring pull)
- Soups (tinned preferably ring pull)
- Sponge pudding (tinned preferably ring pull)
- Sugar (small bag)
- Tea Bags/instant coffee (small packs/jars)
- Tinned fruit
- Tinned meat/fish
- Veg (tinned or fresh but the longer shelf life it has the better)